A few months ago, Amusmental, myself, and my cousin went on a little hauntventure. Amusmental had heard of a cemetery in New Hampshire called Vale End. Now the geek in me immediately thought of Bag End... but I soon learned one had nothing at all to do with the other.
I've read some things online about the "things" that supposedly haunt the place, and while the one time I was there and didn't see anything, I want to cover it. I think it sounds pretty interesting, to say the least. Now, I understand that two ghosts supposedly haunt the grounds. There aren't any 100% credible sources about the situation, but from what I've read, it sounds intriguing. I'll get into all that later, as this Friday, I'm heading there with Amusmental again, barring any blocking situations.
This Saturday, Mum and I are heading back to Waltham to go gallivanting through Metropolitan State (again) and also to check out Fernald. I'm calling it just Fernald, because typing out Walter E. Fernald Developmental Center, previously known as the Walter E. Fernald State School, is just too fucking long. Hopefully we can get some more pictures!
I'm lucky enough to have people around me who want to help me with my bizarre obsessions. If I was alone, it wouldn't be nearly as fun. Plus... I'd probably get arrested because other people are my filter. Now, American Horror Story is on... and I have a boner for it!!
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